The MedKaz Structure
The MedKaz organizes your patient's information in tables which are accessed by clicking on buttons and tabs. It is designed so you can find what you are looking for with the fewest number of clicks. Each row in a table represents an individual record such as an encounter or a test; they can be sorted by clicking on the various column headings (as in a spreadsheet).
Click here to see detailed information about what the Medkaz contains.
The MedKaz tables, buttons and tabs are the same - and do the same things - for your patients and you, but as described below the Action Menu choices (the items at the top of the screen such as Sync Records, Backup/Recover, etc.) differ, depending upon whether the patient or care provider logs on. The two screens look like the images below.
The Provider's Interface to the Patient's MedKaz
When you log on as a care provider, the following screen becomes the primary window you use to access your patient's encounter records. The only differences from the patient's screen are the Action Menu items at the top.
Click on the buttons and menu titles to display different information on your MedKaz.
The Patient's Interface to their MedKaz:
When your patient logs on, the following screen becomes the primary window they use to access their encounter records. The only differences from your screen are the Action Menu items at the top.
MedKaz tables are grouped in four primary categories. You access them by clicking on the appropriate button: Encounters, Medical, Administration, and History. Within each are sub-categories accessed by clicking on tabs. They are color coded so you always know where you are. Each row in an Encounter Table represents a single encounter with a care provider; a table's contents can be sorted by clicking on the various column headings (as in a spreadsheet).
In any table, a paper clip icon in a row indicates there is an underlying document. To open it, double click anywhere on the row (except on the care provider's name). A copy of the original document opens in the Document Viewer. (Clicking on the Care Providers name opens their contact screen.) A padlock icon
in the paper-clip column indicates that your patient considers those records to be sensitive and has locked them; your patient must enter their password for you to open and read them. Other icons, such as a checkmark
or an alert triangle
, can appear on the left of each row to provide additional functionality.
Click here for more information about MedKaz tables and their contents.
There also is a QuickView button (described below) which captures important basic information about your patient from the tables on the MedKaz. It can be accessed by all care providers including emergency responders.
Four primary MedKaz buttons determine which records are displayed in the table.
Encounters - Displays information from visits to providers, including doctors, dentists, hospitals, and labs; it also includes a list of medications prescribed for your patient as well as over-the-counter medications, herbal supplements and vitamins your patient takes or previously took.
Medical - Displays information about medical devices, allergies, immunizations, advance directives, and chronic illnesses.
Administration - Displays demographic information about your patient, and his or her employer, care providers and insurers.
History - Displays information about your patient's past illnesses and surgeries, social history, early history, and family history.
When you click one of the buttons, it displays a set of tabs. These tabs match the color of the button so you always know where you are in the MedKaz structure. They allow you to select and view related types of records. Click a tab to see more information about the contents available from that tab.
Move your mouse over the images below. When the cursor changes to a pointer click to see more information about the contents available from that tab.
QuickView provides an at-a-glance overview of your patient's health and other important information. It immediately displays medical information: past illnesses and surgeries, chronic diseases, critical encounters, medical devices, medications, allergies, and immunizations. Click on an item to read the details. It is the screen that opens when an Emergency Responder logs on.
Click on the red bar to display administrative information, including: your patient's care providers and their contact information, advance directives, emergency contacts, and insurance information. The red bar also displays advance directive flags such as DNR, DNI, and Organ Donor, to provide immediate access to these instructions.
Your patient selects the records and information they want to display in QuickView. You might suggest items to include. All current medications should be included.
To open QuickView, click on the QuickView alert icon (the large orange triangle) on any screen; QuickView looks like the following:
To add an item: Display the table containing an item you want to add to the QuickView window. Then click in the column under the QuickView triangle. An orange triangle appears, indicating it has been added to QuickView.
To remove an item: Display the table containing the item you want to remove from the QuickView window. Then, click the orange QuickView triangle next to the item. The triangle icon is removed and the item no longer appears in QuickView.