The MedKaz PRM
The PRM is an integral part of the MedKaz System. It does for you what the MedKaz does for your patients – without requiring you to change the way you keep your patient charts.
- The MedKaz stores the records and information provided by many providers, for a single patient. The PRM does the same but for all patients of a single care provider.
- They share the same look, feel and architecture and are equally easy to use. They even display and manage a patient’s records in precisely the same way. If you can use the MedKaz, you can use the PRM – without missing a beat!
- The PRM is updated automatically by the MedKaz Server without your intervention. When a patient finds a mistake in progress notes and attaches an addendum to correct it, the server sends the addendum to your PRM, and vice versa. And when a patient changes their personal information, such as their address, phone number, emergency contacts, employer or insurer, the Server sends these changes to your PRM so both are up to date
Beyond these similarities with the MedKaz, your PRM has four distinctive functions that distinguish it from the MedKaz and virtually all EMR systems.
- You can temporarily store unfinished encounter records on it until you complete and upload them to the Server.
- You can manage the care of your patients in a “global” sense. Using the PRM search function, you can instantly identify all patients in your practice who are affected by, and must be contacted about, developments that might affect them, such as a drug or device recall, a disease alert, a new treatment, or a public health issue.
- It enables you to meet Stage I Meaningful Use requirements far sooner than is possible with today's EMR systems – thereby accelerating your cash flow.
- The PRM provides an easy first step in transitioning from paper records to an EMR.
Your PRM contains records you created for each of your patients plus information they provided; it does not contain records created for your patients by other care providers.
All patient records and information on your PRM were created for the patient’s MedKaz. Adding them to your PRM requires no effort from you or your assistants. You merely download them from the MedKaz Server to your PRM with a simple click.