Updating the PRM
There are three types of updates for your PRM. One is the routine addition of new encounter records that you create and are downloaded to your patients' MedKaz and to your PRM. The second consists of updates to the personal information your patient generates, such as address changes, a new employer, a new insurer, a new advance directive, and so forth. The third is an update to the MedKaz and PRM system.
In all cases, updating the PRM is the same simple procedure as updating the Patient's MedKaz. When updates to the PRM are available, the Sync Records flag appears in the PRM menu. You simply click on Sync Records and select the records to be downloaded.
Sync Records
Sync Records connects you to the MedKaz Server where you can access records waiting to be downloaded to your PRM. When a "flag" appears next to Sync Records, it indicates there are records to be downloaded. Click on Sync Records and a screen opens listing all items waiting to be downloaded:
It is strongly advised that you select and download all listed items so your PRM is up-to-date.
If you want to see previously synced items, put a checkmark in the Show Previously Synced Items box located in the lower left corner; previously downloaded items appear with a gray checkmark that cannot be cleared, indicating they have already been downloaded.