
Closing and Saving your Encounter Documents

When you complete your patient visit, you must complete your progress notes and an Encounter Summary, and save them to the Encounter Folder containing other documents related to the specific encounter such as test results from your lab, or documents given you by your patient during the visit. Your assistant will upload the completed Encounter Folder to the MedKaz Server for processing, verification and downloading to your patient's MedKaz and your PRM.

Important Notes: do not remove your patient's MedKaz from your computer before closing the Document Viewer or clicking Done or Finish Later. You may permanently lose the information in the Encounter Folder. Also, be sure to dedicate a folder on your computer to MedKaz encounter documents so your assistant can easily find them.

    1. Logs on to your patient's MedKaz and your patient enters their password
    2. Closes the Document Viewer that initially opens.
    3. Clicks on the Action Menu item at the top of the Encounters window that identifies the patient's Encounter Folder.
    4. Selects the Encounter Folder.
    5. Clicks on the Encounter Summary listed in the Document Viewer. 
    6. Completes the Encounter Summary.
    7. Clicks Done to save all documents in the Encounter Folder as password-protected PDF documents.