About your new MedKaz
- It is YOUR MedKaz You own it, and you own the medical records stored on it. Your password is always required to open the MedKaz, even at your doctor's office. The only exception to this is the critical information contained in QuickView which is accessible to Emergency Responders if you are unconscious or otherwise unable to provide your password.
- What it costs The MedKaz is sold only by care providers; you should get yours from your Primary Care Provider. When you go through the online MedKaz signup process, you agree to subscribe to the MedKaz service for an annual fee which can be paid either annually or semi-annually by credit card (fees are suspended during the pilot project).
When you subscribe, all your care providers can add their records to update your MedKaz after each visit so it is always up-to-date.
Why you should have it Your MedKaz helps you and all your care providers understand your health issues, treat you more effectively, and coordinate your care. And in an emergency, it could save your life.
How to use it As soon as you get home, log on to your MedKaz using the temporary password your doctor gave you, and create both a new password and a new PIN (Personal Identification Number).
- Install Norton Antivirus If you don't already have antivirus software, you can install a free copy of Norton Antivirus from the CD you received along with your MedKaz.
- Signup You must complete the Patient Setup process: enter your contact information, sign the User Agreement, Subscribe, and sign the HIPAA Release in order to activate their MedKaz. You may complete this process in several sittings; if you do, each time you log on to the MedKaz, you are prompted to complete the sign up process if you haven't yet finished it. You can also access Patient Setup by clicking the Edit Patient Information menu, and entering your password and PIN. You may complete the Personal and Medical Information sections, and the Medical Questionnaire later - but you should do so as quickly as possible.
- View the instructional video Click Help and select the Getting Started video for easy instructions about how to navigate the MedKaz, open records, enter data, and so forth.
Play with it Look at the records your doctor uploaded for you by clicking on the Encounters button.
Request records from other providers To get the most value from your MedKaz, it should contain as many of your records from as many of your past and other current providers as you can. You should ask these care providers to send copies of your records to HRC or, for a small fee, HRC will assemble them for you. HRC will process all your records and load them onto your MedKaz at no charge. You will find the forms and instructions to send to these providers under the Edit Patient Information action menu of your MedKaz.
Your Ongoing Responsibilities
- Keep it with you You never know when or where you'll need medical care so you should always carry it on your keychain or in your wallet, or wear it as a pendant. You should take it to every appointment.
- Keep it current When any of your personal information changes, such as your employer, address, phone numbers, insurance providers, emergency contacts, advance directives, etc., you should immediately update your MedKaz. The Server automatically sends this information to all your current care providers.
- Correct wrong information You should read the information your care providers enter on your MedKaz to be certain it is correct - especially the progress notes contained in Encounters > Provider records. You cannot change a record even if it contains an error, but you can correct it by creating an addendum which will be permanently attached to the record.
- Back it up Every time a care provider updates your MedKaz you should back it up as soon as you can. Similarly, whenever you open your MedKaz and correct or change information on it, you should back it up. You will be prompted to do so when you log off.
- Complete the Pre-Visit Questionnaire before every visit You can greatly help your doctor understand your health issues if you complete the Pre-Visit Questionnaire in advance of your appointment, preferably at home where you have the time and details at hand, such as the medications you are actually taking. If you do, your doctor can spend less time asking for this information and more time talking with you and addressing your concerns.