Using the PRM
Click here to see general information about the PRM.
Main PRM Screen
When you first open your PRM, the following screen appears. You can search for an individual patient's records or for all patients in your practice who meet the search criterion.
Search Field
The Search field is the key to the PRM's power.
- To search within an individual patient's record, enter their name in the Search field.
- If more than one is listed, double click on the patient whose chart you want to open.
- Once the chart is open, enter a word in the chart's Search field and click Search to find all occurrences in that patient's chart.
- To search across your practice to identify all patients who share a common characteristic such as taking the same medication or having the same illness, enter the term such as a drug name or an illness in the search field. All patients who share the search term will be listed along with their contact information. Double-click on a patient to open and review their chart.
Action Menu Items
The Action Menu items work the same for the PRM as they do for the MedKaz:
- Click Sync to download patient record updates and software updates. The Sync Records caption appears in red when there are items to download.
- Click Backup/Recover to create a backup copy of your PRM and to restore it should your PRM files become corrupted.
- Forms are shown on the menu, but no forms are available until you open a specific patient's chart, however, you can access reports about a patient without opening their chart.
- Health Links provide access to clinician-focused web sites you may wish to access when treating a patient.
- Click Help to access the PRM User Guide and an Audit Trail report.
- Click Log Off to close the PRM.
The PRM interface consists of two tabs: Patient Charts and Unfinished Encounters.
Patient Charts tab
After performing a search, the names of the patients whose charts contain the search term are displayed. For example, if you search for "heart" you might get four results:
Double-click a chart to open it. Search again to find specific instances of the search term, for example, when a drug was prescribed or a device was implanted.
If you notice an error in the chart, you can add an addendum. Addenda are saved as part of the records in the PRM and are communicated to the Server. They are automatically listed for downloading to the patient's MedKaz.
Once a patient's chart is open, it looks and functions just like the tables on the patient's MedKaz:
Note that there is only one Menu option - Reports. You can generate four:
- Immunizations
- Medications
- Allergies
- Health Summary Report
Unfinished Encounters tab
Click the Unfinished Encounters tab on the Main screen to see a list of all patient encounters you designated you would finish later when you closed the patient's Encounter Folder in the Document Viewer.
Click here to see detailed instructions on Opening and Completing a Saved Encounter.