
What the MedKaz Contains

The information on the MedKaz is organized into four major groupings. Each has a selector button that, when clicked, displays several tabs. Click each tab to see a table of information stored on the MedKaz.

How table data are updated

Data in these tables are updated in several ways:


Providers  Lists each individual encounter your patient has had with care providers and displays summary information such as the provider, the reason for the visit, the assessment, the billing codes, the types of documents available, and the Body Location and Body System addressed in the encounter.  

Each row represents an individual encounter.  You can access the documents relating to it, such as copies of the provider's actual progress notes by double clicking on the row. The underlying documents in the Providers table are read-only and are displayed in a Document Viewer where you can read them in their entirety.  Mistakes in a document can be corrected by creating an addendum which then is permanently attached to the document. 

Tests-Labs  Lists each test your patient has had. Double clicking on a row displays a copy of the underlying report and identifies the provider who ordered it. 

Medications  Lists all the medications your patient is taking or has taken, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, vitamins and herbal supplements.  It shows start and stop dates so you know which your patient should currently be taking, and the prescribing care provider. 

Physical Therapy  Lists each encounter your patient has had with a physical therapist and the care provider who ordered it. Double clicking on the row displays a copy of the therapist's notes. 



Medical Devices  Lists any medical devices the patient may have, such as a pacemaker, defibrillator, stents, medication pumps, or replacement joints. 

Allergies  Lists your patient's allergies, their onset date, etc.

Immunizations  Lists your patient's immunizations and dates received.

Advance Directives  Lists each advance directive your patient has created and relevant information about each. Click on a row to read the directives.

Chronic Illnesses  Lists your patient's chronic illnesses and relevant information about each.



Patient Information  Displays address, phone numbers and other contact information.

Insurers  Displays your patient's policy information, insurance company contact information, and billing priority.

Emergency Contacts  Displays the names of your patient's emergency contacts and their contact information.

Responsible Parties  Displays the parties responsible for your patient's bills, and their contact information.

Care Providers  Displays all the care providers your patient has seen, their specialties, and their contact information.  Your patient's PCP and other current providers are identified.

Employers  Displays your patient's employer(s) and their contact information.



Past Illnesses/Surgeries  Lists your patient's past illnesses, surgeries and chronic illnesses, including important information about each, including dates and current status.

Social History  Displays information about your patient's life style and use of alcohol, tobacco or other drugs.

Early History  Displays your patient's early illesses and surgeries, and includes the Instant Medical History Medical Questionnaire report your patient completes when they sign up for the MedKaz service.

Family History  Displays information about the health of your patient's immediate family members and, if deceased, the cause of death and their age when they died.